Typus Orbis Terrarum, Ortelius, 1564 (engraved, colour) - antique map reproduction
10-15 days |
Cartageo Antica Artigiana |
66 x 46 cm |
€ 146.31
Typus Orbis Terrarum, Ortelius, 1564 (engraved, b/w) - antique map reproduction
5-7 days |
Cartageo Antica Artigiana |
66 x 46 cm |
€ 107.81
Terrarum Orbis, La Feuille, 1700 (engraved, colour) - antique map reproduction
10-15 days |
Cartageo Antica Artigiana |
75 x 66 cm |
€ 209.01
Terrarum Orbis, La Feuille, 1700 (engraved, b/w) - antique map reproduction
5-7 days |
Cartageo Antica Artigiana |
75 x 66 cm |
€ 136.57
Tavola Peutingeriana, Castorio, 350 d.C. (engraved, 3 colours, with wood case) - antique map reproduction
Prompt deli. |
Cartageo Antica Artigiana |
500 x 34 cm |
€ 1409.41
Tavola Peutingeriana, Castorio, 350 d.C. (engraved, 3 colours) - antique map reproduction
Prompt deli. |
Cartageo Antica Artigiana |
500 x 34 cm |
€ 1212.08
Planisphaerium…, Zurner, 1700 (engraved, colour) - antique map reproduction
10-15 days |
Cartageo Antica Artigiana |
51 x 45 cm |
€ 141.83
Planisphaerium…, Zurner, 1700 (engraved, b/w) - antique map reproduction
5-7 days |
Cartageo Antica Artigiana |
51 x 45 cm |
€ 100.63
Planisphaerium terrestre cum utroque coelesti hemisphaerio, ignoto, 1600 (engraved, colour) - antique map reproduction
10-15 days |
Cartageo Antica Artigiana |
180 x 130 cm |
€ 634.50
Planisphaerium terrestre cum utroque coelesti hemisphaerio, ignoto, 1600 (engraved, b/w) - antique map reproduction
5-7 days |
Cartageo Antica Artigiana |
180 x 130 cm |
€ 402.53
Planisfero Wassenaer (print, colour) - antique map reproduction
10-15 days |
Cartageo Antica Artigiana |
165 x 85 cm |
€ 461.20
Planisfero Waldseemuller (print, colour) - antique map reproduction
15-20 days |
Cartageo Antica Artigiana |
160 x 90 cm |
€ 447.74
Planisfero Nolin (print, colour) - antique map reproduction
10-15 days |
Cartageo Antica Artigiana |
180 x 145 cm |
€ 728.58
Planisfero Geelkerking (print, colour) - antique map reproduction
10-15 days |
Cartageo Antica Artigiana |
116 x 87 cm |
€ 250.16
Planisfero Eckebrecht (print, colour) - antique map reproduction
10-15 days |
Cartageo Antica Artigiana |
106 x 61 cm |
€ 218.72
Planisfero Arias Montanus (print, colour) - antique map reproduction
Prompt deli. |
Cartageo Antica Artigiana |
87 x 54 cm |
€ 209.00
Piri Reis Map (small) - antique map reproduction
Prompt deli. |
Cartageo Antica Artigiana |
42 x 32 cm |
€ 24.87
Piri Reis Map (big) - antique map reproduction
Prompt deli. |
Cartageo Antica Artigiana |
81 x 62 cm |
€ 99.47
Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis, Piscator, 1656 (engraved, colour) - antique map reproduction
10-15 days |
Cartageo Antica Artigiana |
82 x 67 cm |
€ 228.41
Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis, Piscator, 1656 (engraved, colour) - antique map reproduction
10-15 days |
Cartageo Antica Artigiana |
45 x 55 cm |
€ 161.24
Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis, Piscator, 1656 (engraved, b/w) - antique map reproduction
5-7 days |
Cartageo Antica Artigiana |
82 x 67 cm |
€ 143.76
Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis, Piscator, 1656 (engraved, b/w) - antique map reproduction
5-7 days |
Cartageo Antica Artigiana |
45 x 55 cm |
€ 107.82
Nova totius Terrarum Orbis Tabula, De Wit, 1670 (engraved, colour) - antique map reproduction
Prompt deli. |
Cartageo Antica Artigiana |
190 x 138 cm |
€ 634.50
Nova totius Terrarum Orbis Tabula, De Wit, 1670 (engraved, b/w) - antique map reproduction
5-7 days |
Cartageo Antica Artigiana |
190 x 138 cm |
€ 402.53
Nova Orbis Tabula, Jaillot, 1694 (engraved, colour) - antique map reproduction
10-15 days |
Cartageo Antica Artigiana |
100 x 80 cm |
€ 235.87
Nova Orbis Tabula, Jaillot, 1694 (engraved, b/w) - antique map reproduction
5-7 days |
Cartageo Antica Artigiana |
100 x 80 cm |
€ 143.75
Mondo typus orbis terrarum, Ortelius, 1587 (Print) - antique map reproduction
Prompt deli. |
100 x 70 cm |
€ 35.38
Mondo typus orbis terrarum, Ortelius, 1564 (engraved, b/w) - antique map reproduction
Prompt deli. |
Cartageo Antica Artigiana |
76 x 56 cm |
€ 35.38
Mondo nova totius terrarum orbis, Piscator, 1656 (engraved, b/w) - antique map reproduction
Prompt deli. |
Cartageo Antica Artigiana |
76 x 56 cm |
€ 35.38
Mondo nova orbis tabula, Jaillot, 1694 (engraved, b/w) - antique map reproduction
Prompt deli. |
Cartageo Antica Artigiana |
76 x 56 cm |
€ 35.38
Mondo antico, Cassini - Sanson, 1801 (engraved, b/w) - antique map reproduction
Prompt deli. |
Cartageo Antica Artigiana |
76 x 56 cm |
€ 35.38
Mappamondo, Cassini, 1788 (engraved, colour) - antique map reproduction
10-15 days |
Cartageo Antica Artigiana |
98 x 72 cm |
€ 209.00
Mappamondo, Cassini, 1788 (engraved, b/w) - antique map reproduction
5-7 days |
Cartageo Antica Artigiana |
98 x 72 cm |
€ 143.76
Gran Planisfero Vopellius 1558 (print, colour) - antique map reproduction
15-20 days |
Cartageo Antica Artigiana |
195 x 120 cm |
€ 1632.36
Gran Planisfero Visscher 1669 (print, colour) - antique map reproduction
15-20 days |
Cartageo Antica Artigiana |
240 x 165 cm |
€ 1959.32
Gran Planisfero Rosaccio 1597 (print, colour) - antique map reproduction
15-20 days |
Cartageo Antica Artigiana |
218 x 130 cm |
€ 652.70
Gran Planisfero Mercator 1569 (print, colour) - antique map reproduction
15-20 days |
Cartageo Antica Artigiana |
190 x 130 cm |
€ 616.10
Gran Planisfero Hondius 1624 (print, colour) - antique map reproduction
15-20 days |
Cartageo Antica Artigiana |
240 x 165 cm |
€ 1959.32
Diversi Globi Terr-Aquei, Seutter, 1700 (engraved, colour) - antique map reproduction
10-15 days |
Cartageo Antica Artigiana |
47 x 40 cm |
€ 141.83
Diversi Globi Terr-Aquei, Seutter, 1700 (engraved, b/w) - antique map reproduction
5-7 days |
Cartageo Antica Artigiana |
47 x 40 cm |
€ 100.63
A New and Accurat Map of the World, Humble, 1626 (engraved, colour) - antique map reproduction
10-15 days |
Cartageo Antica Artigiana |
88 x 70 cm |
€ 218.71
A New and Accurat Map of the World, Humble, 1626 (engraved, b/w) - antique map reproduction
5-7 days |
Cartageo Antica Artigiana |
88 x 70 cm |
€ 143.75