Camaleonte 25 - geographical globe

Code: TEC 035FRZ

  • € 34.50
  • € 29.32
  • VAT: 4% Included
  • Discount 15 %

Editor / Manifacturer: Tecnodidattica


(direct source Tecnodidattica)


Tecnodidattica was created from a company which was founded in 1949. It has been manufacturing geographical globes for many, many years. The Company’s assets are quality and versatility. When we say quality, we don't only refer to materials and labour, but particularly to the production, which is 100% Italian. Our versatility allows us to meet the demands of our clients in the manufacture of custom-made products.

A great deal of skill and attention to detail are given to the production of our geographical globes, which are available in several dimensions and types. Cartographies are continuously updated and texts are translated into more than 30 different languages. All our products are manufactured in compliance with CE rules regarding their safety. Moreover, the illuminated globes meet the regulations in force and have IMQ, BEAB, VDE-GS and UL markings.

Category: Traditional cartography

Language: Italian

Dimensions: Diam. 25 cm / h 33 cm


Shipment Time: 10-15 days

  • Qty:

Illumidated geographical globe. Double effect (physical / political). An exceptionally mimetic world-globe! Plenty of geographical physical and political information, like the homonymous animal - the Chameleon - suits tastes of learning-age boys, and the typical boys environment: such as their room, toys and games. Camaleonte, the 25 cm/ 10 inch. world globe, for boys!


For a total vision of the Tecnodidattica universe look the catalog of geographical globes.