GeoEye-1 tempo reale - Immagine da satellite

Codice prodotto: EGE 002

  • € 1.512,80
  • IVA: 22% Inclusa

Editore/Produttore: e-GEOS (by Gis Italia)

e-GEOS (Roma - Italia)

(fonte e-GEOS SpA)

(non disponibile in italiano)


e-GEOS, a Telespazio (80%) / ASI (20%) company, is a leading international player in the geo-spatial business. e-GEOS offers a complete range of products and services in the Earth Observation and in the geo-spatial application domains, based on both optical and radar satellites as well as on aerial surveys. The Rome-based company employs more than 300 people and operates through the Earth Observation centres in Matera (Italy) and Neustrelitz (Germany). As the European hub for VHR (Very High Resolution) data, e-GEOS grants unique access to the COSMO-SkyMed, GeoEye-1, IKONOS, Radarsat, Envisat, QuickBird and WorldView and IRS satellites.

In particular, COSMO-SkyMed represents a tremendous competitive advantage as it opens up a new era of operational applications. The COSMO-SkyMed earth observation programme of the Italian Space Agency and the Italian Ministry of Defence, based on a constellation of four VHR SAR satellites, provides all-weather, day and night, world-wide radar data acquisitions. e-GEOS exploits COSMO-SkyMed data to offer near-real-time monitoring services and large-area mapping capabilities for customers such as NGA (National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency of the US Government), in combination with its existing product and services portfolio, which comprises solutions for key vertical markets including emergency management, maritime surveillance, agriculture & forestry, cadastre, environmental protection, oil & gas, utilities and industries.

e-GEOS is part of the Telespazio (Finmeccanica/Thales) group, operating the largest civil space infrastructure in the world, at the Fucino Space Centre, providing unrivalled service capacity. e-GEOS can rely on the specific know-how and market presence of the various companies within the group, such as GAF and Euromap, Eurimage, Aurensis, Telespazio Argentina and others, that enrich its competitive advantages and provide synergies in the product chain and for market development at international level.

e-GEOS owns and operates the Multi-mission station located at the Matera Space Centre, where data from several EO satellites (COSMO-SkyMed, Envisat, ERS-2, Radarsat-1&2 and others) are downlinked and processed both for commercial services and services to the Italian Space Agency and the European Space Agency, The company also owns the GeoEye-1 and IKONOS imaging and processing facility in Neustrelitz, which is operated through Euromap and the DLR (German Aerospace Agency).

e-GEOS is one of the main industrial players in the European GMES Program (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security) where it leads projects such as GMOSAIC (Management of Operations, Situation Awareness and Intelligence for regional Crises) LIMES (Land and Sea Integrated Monitoring for Environment and Security) and LinkER (Supporting Action for the implementation of operational GMES services in Emergency Response) for the European Union as well as MARISS (Maritime Security Services) for the European Space Agency.

Thanks to the services developed in these projects, e-GEOS is today a world leader in environmental and maritime monitoring and in rapid mapping for the management of natural disasters and humanitarian crises, cooperating with EMSA (European Maritime Safety Agency) EUSC (European Union Satellite Centre), JRC (Joint Research Centre of the European Commission), various UN Organizations and the Italian Civil Defence.

The company serves a variety of national and international clients, both in the public and private sectors, including customers such as the Italian Ministry of Agriculture (through AGEA/SIN) for the management of the Common Agricultural Policy in Italy, the Italian Ministry of the Environment for the interferometric processing of SAR data over all the national territory, major international oil & gas companies (ENI, Shell, Total) and railroads (RFI, NIIAS).

Categoria: Immagine digitale

Disponibilità: Articolo con disponibilità da verificare

Tempo di spedizione: 60 gg

  • Qtà:

Immagine digitale dal satellite GeoEye-1 acquisita su richiesta del Cliente.

- Livello di accuratezza:  classe GeoTM  (1)

- Banda/Files:  Pan-sharpened color/3 bands RGB (immagine a colori naturali)

- Risoluzione:  0,5 metri

- Superficie coperta:  100 km2 (minima)

- Massima copertura di nuvole:  15% (è possibile richiedere una copertura inferiore al 10% o al 5% con un sovrapprezzo rispettivamente del 25% e del 50%)

- Formato file:  TIFF

- Supporto di consegna:  DVD-R

- Licenza d’uso:  Base (utilizzo per max 5 soggetti)

Per il completamento dell’ordine ti sarà richiesto di sottoscrivere un modello precompilato per l’accettazione dei termini e delle condizioni della licenza d’uso delle immagini di e-GEOS. In tale modello dovrai indicare i nominativi degli utilizzatori finali (max 5).

Nel campo Note Aggiuntive che ti si presenterà a conclusione del processo di ordinazione dovrai indicare le coordinate geografiche per individuare la superficie di tuo interesse. Tipicamente tali dati  (lat. e long. in gradi decimali, std. WGS84) vengono forniti con:  1) coo. centro + raggio (km);  2) coo. centro + altezza e larghezza (km);  3) coo. punto in alto a sx + coo. punto in basso a dx. In ogni caso lo staff di Cartageo è a tua completa disposizione per aiutarti e guidarti nella corretta indicazione dei riferimenti.

Per l’acquisizione di immagini di paesi/città o monumenti/siti è bene partire dal soggetto di interesse per risalire poi alle coordinate geografiche. Esempio: Colosseo >> 41°53’24’’ N – 12°29’32’’ E.

Le immagini allegate alla scheda descrittiva del prodotto sono state inserite a titolo di esempio della qualità e della potenzialità dei fotogrammi scattati da GeoEye-1.

Per informazioni potete contattare Cartageo dalla pagina Contatti, all’indirizzo e-mail o tramite la INFOLINE. Siete pregati di lasciare un recapito telefonico.


(1) - The Geo is a radiometrically corrected map oriented image. In addition to being suitable for visualization and monitoring applications, the Geo is shipped with the sensor camera model in rational polynomial coefficient (RPC) format at no additional cost. This camera model maps the respective ground coordinates to image product coordinates. Block adjustment, orthorectification, and other photogrammetric processing can be performed using the RPC camera model. The Geo product, coupled with a digital elevation model and control data, permits skilled users to make orthorectified (terrain corrected) products using standard commercial software. Geo imagery products are available as panchromatic, multi-spectral, and pan-sharpened color imagery.


The GeoEye-1 satellite is equipped with the most advanced technology ever used in a commercial remote sensing system. The system provides images at nadir with 0.5-meter panchromatic (black & white) and 2-meter multispectral resolution. Just as important, 3 meters of inherent geolocation accuracy has never before been achieved in any commercial imaging system.
A polar orbiting satellite, GeoEye-1 orbits the Earth 15 times per day flying at an altitude of 681 kilometers with an orbital velocity of about 7.5 km/sec. Its sun-synchronous orbit allows it to pass over a given area at about 10:30 a.m. local time every day. Industry-leading agility, along and across track, means more imagery collected on a single pass.
GeoEye-1 can revisit any point on Earth once every three days or sooner. The satellite collects up to 700,000 square kilometers of panchromatic (and up to 350,000 square kilometers of pan--sharpened multispectral) imagery per day, ideal for large-scale mapping projects.