Astra 30 - mappamondo geografico

Codice prodotto: NOV 036AS4

  • € 75,00
  • € 63,75
  • IVA: 4% Inclusa
  • Sconto del 15 %

Editore/Produttore: Nova Rico

Nova Rico SpA  (Firenze - Italia)

(fonte Nova Rico SpA)

(non disponibile in italiano)


Nova Rico SpA is an Italian Company founded in 1955 and engaged in the production of decorative, educational and antique GEOGRAPHICAL WORLD GLOBES. We and our sister companies are the leading globe manufacturers in Europe.


Our markets

We cater for the educational and home decoration market. We produce globes for adults and children. Out cartography text has been translated into more than 30 different languages including Japanese, Hebrew, Thai, Korean, Russian and Arabic.

Keeping up with political changes The political and geographic data on our cartography are continuously updated.



We meet all recognised safety and quality standards, where applicable. For what concerns Europe we have got the IMQ, VDE and BSI markings.

For what concerns the US we are UL listed under file # E70196, we got the ASTM F963 approval and our Product's Liability Insurance covers the USA market. For Canada we have a CSA approval. Finally, we have got the Australian Electrical Certificate of Approval.


Production details

Our Company manufactures and sells geographycal globes since 1955.

We have been pioneers to produce vacuum forming machines to manufacture globes at an industrial extend, in PVC instead than in paper.

Before we started our innovative production in plastic globes were made in very small quantities in paper, they could not have light inside and they were not precise due to the 'puzzle' unconvenience. Actually our cartography is OFFSET printed on a PVC sheet, in two halves.

Afterwards the sheets go through a TERMING VACUUM FORMING phase.

Now we have two hemispheres in PVC. Next phase is the ELECTROWELD phase. The two hemispheres are electrowelded to a hard ball in PS (poliestereno).

There is no other production of globes which guarantees the same level of quality and precision in the meridians and parallels grid. Each single angle of intersection is very accurated, and the welding coincides exactly with the equator line.

Each single globe is tested and checked. We have a very specialized production team and most of our workers have more than 20 years experience in this field.


Categoria: Cartografia tradizionale

Lingua: Italiano

Dimensioni: Diam. 30 cm / h 38 cm

Disponibilità: Articolo disponibile

Tempo di spedizione: Pronta cons.

  • Qtà:

Globo illuminato. Doppio effetto (fisico / politico illumitato). Le capitali ed i confini degli stati sono evidenziate con un segnale luminoso. Base in legno color noce. Semimeridiano in autentico metallo ottonato con indicazione della latitudine espressa in gradi.


Per una visione di insieme dell'universo Nova Rico consulta il catalogo dei mappamondi.